Genre Classical, Language French, Decade 1990s, Gender individual male.
Showing 91 to 100 of 117 songs.
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93. La Fontaine de sang
Stéphane Blet
Composed between 1985 and 2004.
4 Mélodies d’après “Les Fleurs du mal” de Baudelaire (2004)
94. Motetus: per due semicori a cappella
Mario Pagotto
Motetus per due semicori a cappella (1998)
95. Harmonie du soir
Claude Prior
Composed between 1977 and 1998.
96. Parfum exotique
Claude Prior
Composed between 1977 and 1998.
98. La Cloche fêlée
Andrew Ford
Composed between 1986 and 1998.
99. Le Port
Karol Beffa
Composed between 1998 and 2007.
100. Les Litanies de Satan
Josef Alexander
Composed between 1907 and 1992.

Correspondances (7), L'Invitation au Voyage (6), Le Voyage (6), Harmonie du Soir (5), La Beauté (5),