Genre Mélodie, Theme blood, Gender individual male.
Showing 11 to 20 of 31 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
11. La Cloche fêlée
Raoul Bardac
Composed in 1905.
Cinq Mélodies (1905)
12. La Cloche fêlée
Emmanuel Bondeville
Composed between 1913 and 1927.
Deux Mélodies (1927)
13. La Cloche fêlée
Claude Duboscq
Trois poèmes de C. Baudelaire (1918)
14. La Cloche fêlée
Pierre Menu
Composed in 1919.
16. La Cloche fêlée
Paul Gautier
Composed in 1921.
La Cloche fêlée (1921)
17. La Cloche fêlée
Armand Bournonville
Composed in 1924.
La Cloche fêlée (1924)
18. La Cloche fêlée
René Garriguenc
Composed in 1924.
Trois mélodies pour chant et piano (1939 - 1998)
20. La Cloche fêlée
Philippe Gaubert
Dix poèmes pour chant et piano (1934)