Decade 1950s, Theme voice, Gender individual male.
Showing 11 to 15 of 15 songs.
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11. Parfum Exotique
James Ollivier
Composed between 1945 and 2000.
12. Cat
Ned Rorem
Composed between 1938 and 1987.
Three Poems of Baudelaire (1987)
13. Parfum exotique
Joseph Jongen
Composed between 1900 and 1953.
Parfum exotique (Opus 29) (1900 - 2015)
14. Parfum exotique
Jan van Amerongen
Composed between 1953 and 1998.
Vier liederen (1999)
15. Tout Entière
James Adair
Composed in 1957.