Genre Classical, Language French, Decade 1940s, Theme the soul.
Showing 11 to 20 of 27 songs.
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11. La Cloche fêlée
Charles Martin Loeffler
Composed between 1876 and 1893.
Four Poems (pour voix, alto et piano) (1904), Quatre Poèmes opus 5 (1893 - 1986)
12. La Cloche fêlée
René Garriguenc
Composed in 1924.
Trois mélodies pour chant et piano (1939 - 1998)
13. Le Flambeau vivant
Fernand Halphen
Composed between 1892 and 1919.
Dix Mélodies (2010)
15. La Cloche fêlée
Ernest Ansermet
Composed between 1912 and 1940.
17. La Cloche fêlée
Paul Roës
Composed between 1889 and 1955.
18. Recueillement
Jean-Frédéric Perrenoud
Composed between 1948 and 1959.
Trois Chants du soir (1950 - 1959)
19. La Cloche fêlée
Noël Lee
Composed between 1940 and 1971.
Quatre chants sur Baudelaire (1940 - 1971)
20. Ma douleur
Mary Howe
Composed between 1900 and 1929.
Volume 4 (7 French Songs) (1959)