Language French, Decade 1920s, Theme the soul, Gender individual male.
Showing 11 to 20 of 26 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
11. Recueillement
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1895 and 1950.
Mélodies romantiques (1950)
12. La Cloche fêlée
André Caplet
Composed between 1905 and 1922.
La Cloche fêlée (1924), La Revue musicale (musical supplement) (1924)
13. La Cloche fêlée
Ernest Ansermet
Composed between 1912 and 1940.
14. La Cloche fêlée
Emmanuel Bondeville
Composed between 1913 and 1927.
Deux Mélodies (1927)
15. Le Flambeau Vivant
Maurice Pesse
Composed between 1913 and 1943.
16. Le Jet d'eau
Adolphe Baiwir
Composed between 1920 and 1940.
18. La Cloche fêlée
Paul Gautier
Composed in 1921.
La Cloche fêlée (1921)
19. Recueillement
Marcel Bertrand
Composed in 1922.
20. La Cloche fêlée
Armand Bournonville
Composed in 1924.
La Cloche fêlée (1924)