Language French, Decade 1980s, Theme women.
Showing 11 to 20 of 33 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
11. Le Chat
Guillemette Marrannes
Composed between 1970 and 1998.
Sept Mélodies de mer et d'amour (1998)
12. Le Chat
Louis Sauter
Composed between 1970 and 2012.
Le Chat (2012)
13. À une Dame créole
Guillemette Marrannes
Composed between 1970 and 1998.
Sept Mélodies de mer et d'amour (1998)
14. Le Jet d'Eau
Harold Blumenfeld
Composed between 1973 and 2007.
15. Attristant et Isolant
Frans Vuursteen
Composed between 1979 and 1981.
16. Le Chat
Michel Bosc
Composed between 1980 and 2004.
Composer's own (Opus 183) (2004)
17. Les Bijoux
Wim Laman
Composed between 1980 and 1981.
18. Les bijoux
Yves Montand
Composed in 1980.
19. L'Invitation au voyage
Jeanne Aster
Composed between 1980 and 2011.
Gothique blanche (2011)
20. L'Invitation au voyage
Régis Flécheau
Composed between 1980 and 2009.
Cueille Les Fleurs du Mal (2009)

French (33)