Language French, Decade 2010s, Theme voice, Gender individual male.
Showing 11 to 20 of 22 songs.
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11. Parfum Exotique
Michael Mansour
Composed in 2018.
12. La cloche fêlée
Philippe Fénelon
Composed between 2016 and 2018.
Six poèmes de Charles Baudelaire (2018)
13. La Cloche fêlée
Jean-Guy Bailly
Composed between 1940 and 1988.
Trois mélodies pour chant et piano (Trois poèmes de Baudelaire) (1988 - 2015)
14. Parfum exotique
Richard Ankri
Composed between 1980 and 2010.
15. Le chat
Jean-Claude Redien
Composed in 2010.
16. Le Chat
Louis Sauter
Composed between 1970 and 2012.
Le Chat (2012)
17. La cloche fêlée
Philip Cashian
Composed in 2011.
Three Baudelaire Songs (2011)
18. Le Chat
Bertrand Louis
Composed in 2018.
19. La cloche fêlée
Richard Ankri
Composed in 2014.
20. Le chat
Nicolas Hussein
Composed in 2016.
4 mélodies pour voix moyenne et piano (Op. 2) (2017)