Decade 1910s, Theme death, Gender individual male.
Showing 21 to 30 of 50 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
21. La Mort des amants
Georges Antoine
Composed between 1892 and 1918.
Album de Six Mélodies pour chant et piano (1926)
22. Le Flambeau vivant
Fernand Halphen
Composed between 1892 and 1919.
Dix Mélodies (2010)
23. L'Homme et la mer
Ange Flégier
Composed between 1893 and 1927.
L'Homme et la mer, Contemplation (1893)
24. Recueillement
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1895 and 1950.
Mélodies romantiques (1950)
25. Causerie
Raymond Charpentier
Composed between 1895 and 1910.
Deux poèmes (pour chant, quatuor à cordes et piano) (1925)
26. Obsession
Joseph Gaston Selz
Composed between 1900 and 1910.
Obsession (1910)
27. Chant d'Automne
Jacques - Michel Zoubaloff
Composed between 1900 and 1925.
Trois Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1925)
28. La Cloche fêlée
André Caplet
Composed between 1905 and 1922.
La Cloche fêlée (1924), La Revue musicale (musical supplement) (1924)
29. La mort des artistes
Luis de Freitas Branco
Composed in 1909.
Canções Francesas (1997)
30. Obsession
Robert Montfort
Composed between 1909 and 1911.
Trois Poèmes de Baudelaire (1911)