Decade 1970s, Theme evening, Gender individual male.
Showing 21 to 30 of 37 songs.
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21. Recueillement
Jean Chatillon
Composed between 1958 and 1981.
22. La Cloche fêlée
Jorge Delorenzi
Composed between 1960 and 1988.
“Homenaje a Poetas Franceses” (Hommage to French poets), 5 mélodies pour mezzo-soprano & piano (1988)
23. Harmonie du soir
Émile Naoumoff
Composed between 1962 and 2006.
Mélodies choisies (2008), Quatre mélodies pour voix et piano / Vier Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Four songs for voice and piano (2004-2006) (2008)
24. Meditation
Barry O'Neal
Composed between 1962 and 1982.
Meditation (1982)
26. Recueillement
Edmund Najera
Composed in 1971.
Baudelaire's "Fleurs du mal" : song cycle for voice, flute, viola, cello, & piano (1971)
28. La Cloche fêlée
Rudolf Halaczinsky
Composed in 1973.
Trois chants pour soprano, orgue électrique et ensemble à percussion (1973)
30. Chanson d'après-midi
Jonathan Harvey
Correspondances (1975)