Genre Mélodie, Language French, Decade 1930s, Theme death.
Showing 21 to 30 of 39 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
21. Le Mort joyeux
Swan Hennessy
Composed in 1921.
Le Mort joyeux (1932)
22. La Mort des amants
Albert Le Guillard
Composed between 1922 and 1958.
Quatre mélodies (opus 8) (E.M.S. 4957) (1922)
23. La Cloche fêlée
René Garriguenc
Composed in 1924.
Trois mélodies pour chant et piano (1939 - 1998)
24. La mort des pauvres
Walther Hirschberg
Composed between 1930 and 1960.
29. La Cloche fêlée
Philippe Gaubert
Dix poèmes pour chant et piano (1934)
30. Semper Eadem
Jean-Robert Blanc
Composed between 1934 and 1935.
Six Mélodies pour chant et piano (1935)