Genre Classical, Language French, Decade 1910s, Theme death.
Showing 31 to 40 of 51 songs.
Sorted by relevance Sort by year of composition
31. Obsession
Joseph Gaston Selz
Composed between 1900 and 1910.
Obsession (1910)
32. L'Homme et la mer
Ange Flégier
Composed between 1893 and 1927.
L'Homme et la mer, Contemplation (1893)
33. L'amour et le crâne
René Lenormand
Composed between 1889 and 1891.
Les Fleurs du mal (E.M.S. 8140) (1932), Les Fleurs du Mal (2006), Les Fleurs du Mal (1890)
34. Les Deux Bonnes Soeurs
René Lenormand
Composed between 1889 and 1891.
Les Fleurs du mal (E.M.S. 8140) (1932), Les Fleurs du Mal (2006), Les Fleurs du Mal (1890)
36. Recueillement
Louis Vierne
Composed between 1885 and 1921.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1924)
37. La Cloche fêlée
Ernest Ansermet
Composed between 1912 and 1940.
38. Le Mort joyeux
Pierre Menu
Composed in 1919.
40. La Cloche fêlée
Paul Roës
Composed between 1889 and 1955.