Genre Classical, Language French, Theme perfume, Gender individual male.
Showing 31 to 40 of 42 songs.
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33. Le chat (2)
Benjamin Thorn
Composed in 2019.
Baudelaire's cats (2019)
34. Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire...
Maurice Rollinat
Composed between 1879 and 1883.
Six Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1892)
35. Causerie
Maurice Rollinat
Composed between 1879 and 1883.
Six Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1892)
36. Parfum exotique
Maxime Belliard
Composed between 1890 and 1933.
Parfum exotique (1933)
37. Parfum exotique
Joseph Jongen
Composed between 1900 and 1953.
Parfum exotique (Opus 29) (1900 - 2015)
38. Parfum exotique
Jan van Amerongen
Composed between 1953 and 1998.
Vier liederen (1999)
39. Parfum exotique
Ricardo Viñes
Composed between 1890 and 1896.
Parfum exotique (1896)
40. Le Chat
Michel Bosc
Composed between 1980 and 2004.
Composer's own (Opus 183) (2004)

French (42)