Genre Classical, Decade 1950s, Gender individual male.
Showing 51 to 60 of 106 songs.
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51. La Vie antérieure
Henri Duparc
Composed between 1874 and 1913.
Mélodies (1911), Complete Songs (1995), Henri Duparc Complete Songs (medium-low voice) (ed. by Roger Nichols) (2005)
52. L'Homme et la mer
Jules Gohy
Composed between 1910 and 1985.
Trois Mélodies (1910 - 1985)
53. Parfum exotique
Germain Desbonnet
Composed between 1950 and 1978.
Mélodies (1978)
54. La Cloche fêlée
Jean-Guy Bailly
Composed between 1940 and 1988.
Trois mélodies pour chant et piano (Trois poèmes de Baudelaire) (1988 - 2015)
55. Les Yeux de Berthe
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1895 and 1950.
Mélodies romantiques (1950)
56. La Mort des amants
René Lenormand
Composed in 1890.
Les Fleurs du mal (E.M.S. 8140) (1932), Les Fleurs du Mal (2006), Les Fleurs du Mal (1890)
57. Bohémiens en voyage
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1950 and 1962.
Composer's own (1950 - 2015)
58. L'Albatros
Ernest Chausson
Composed in 1879.
Huit Mélodies inédites , Québec (Canada), 2012. (2012)
60. L'Avertisseur
James Adair
Composed in 1957.