Genre Classical, Theme voice, Gender individual male.
Showing 51 to 60 of 71 songs.
Sorted by relevance Sort by year of composition
51. La Cloche fêlée
Raoul Bardac
Composed in 1905.
Cinq Mélodies (1905)
52. Cat
Ned Rorem
Composed between 1938 and 1987.
Three Poems of Baudelaire (1987)
53. La Cloche fêlée
Alexander Goehr
Two Imitations of Baudelaire op. 47 (1985)
55. La Cloche fêlée
Gabriel Honoré Marcel
Composed between 1945 and 1946.
Mélodies sur des poèmes de Baudelaire, Lamartine, Chénier, Ch. Guérin (1945 - 1946)
56. La cloche fêlée
Ernani Braga
Composed between 1888 and 1948.
57. La cloche fêlée
Philip Cashian
Composed in 2011.
Three Baudelaire Songs (2011)
58. La Cloche fêlée
Louis Vierne
Composed between 1885 and 1921.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1924)
59. Le chat
Diderick Wagenaar
Composed in 1990.

Gustave Charpentier (2), Jean-Guy Bailly (2), Paul Gautier (2), Philippe Gaubert (2), Adam Gorb (1),