Genre Classical, Language French, Theme voice.
Showing 51 to 60 of 80 songs.
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52. La Cloche fêlée
Rudolf Halaczinsky
Composed in 1973.
Trois chants pour soprano, orgue électrique et ensemble à percussion (1973)
53. Le Chat
Guillemette Marrannes
Composed between 1970 and 1998.
Sept Mélodies de mer et d'amour (1998)
54. Le Chat
Louis Sauter
Composed between 1970 and 2012.
Le Chat (2012)
55. Parfum exotique
Gustave Charpentier
Composed between 1875 and 1893.
Poèmes chantés (1894)
56. Parfum exotique
Jean-Marc Déhan
Chant et piano (1989 - 2009)
57. Parfum exotique
Paul Gautier
Composed in 1921.
58. Tout Entière
Colin Matthews
Composed between 1971 and 1978.
59. La Cloche fêlée
Raoul Bardac
Composed in 1905.
Cinq Mélodies (1905)
60. La Cloche fêlée
Rita (Aimée) Strohl
Composed between 1880 and 1901.
Dix Poésies mises en musique (1992), Dis Poésies mises en musique (1901)

Alfred Rose (2), Guillemette Marrannes (2), Gustave Charpentier (2), Jean-Guy Bailly (2), Marguerite Canal (2),