Genre Classical, Language French, Decade 1990s, Gender individual male.
Showing 81 to 90 of 117 songs.
Sorted by relevance Sort by year of composition
81. Les Chats
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji
Composed in 1941.
Songs (2004)
82. La Beauté
Serge Ollive
Composed between 1995 and 1998.
Trois mélodies (1998)
83. Brumes et pluies
Serge Ollive
Composed between 1995 and 1998.
Trois mélodies (1998)
84. Harmonie du soir
Jan van Amerongen
Composed in 1998.
Vier liederen (1999)
85. Les Bijoux
Pierre Moret
Composed between 1965 and 2002.
Les Bijoux (2002)
86. Parfum exotique
Joseph Jongen
Composed between 1900 and 1953.
Parfum exotique (Opus 29) (1900 - 2015)
87. Parfum exotique
Jan van Amerongen
Composed between 1953 and 1998.
Vier liederen (1999)
88. Le Chat
Michel Bosc
Composed between 1980 and 2004.
Composer's own (Opus 183) (2004)
89. Obsession
Robert Francès
Composed in 1943.
Paysages musicaux (2002)

Correspondances (7), L'Invitation au Voyage (6), Le Voyage (6), Harmonie du Soir (5), La Beauté (5),