Genre Classical, Theme the poet, Gender individual male.
Showing 81 to 85 of 85 songs.
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81. L'Albatros
Cyril Plante
Composed in 2006.
Cycle Baudelairien (2006)
83. A Land of Rain
Colin Matthews
Composed between 2016 and 2017.
A Land of Rain (2017)
84. Elévation
Augustin Savard
Composed between 1868 and 1911.
Album Musica (supplement of 'Musica' journal (1911)
85. La Tristesse de la Lune
Gérard Pape
Composed between 1980 and 1986.

Vincent Minazzoli (4), Jonathan Harvey (3), Benjamin Boyle (2), Christopher Wicks (2), Cyril Plante (2),