Poem Le Revenant, Genre Mélodie, Decade 1920s, Theme supernatural.
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 songs.
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1. Le Revenant
Alfred Rose
Les Fleurs du mal (Op. 7). Poèmes de Charles Baudelaire (1925)
2. Le Revenant
Albert Bertelin
Composed between 1872 and 1951.
Mélodies (1872 - 1951)
3. Le Revenant
Swan Hennessy
Composed between 1880 and 1929.
Quatre mélodies (1880 - 1999), Le Revenant (1880 - 1999)
5. Le Revenant
Rita (Aimée) Strohl
Composed between 1880 and 1941.
Dix Poésies mises en musique (1992), Dis Poésies mises en musique (1901)
6. Le Revenant
Raoul Laparra
Composed in 1926.