Poem Causerie, Language French, Theme death.
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 songs.
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1. Causerie
Maurice Rollinat
Composed between 1879 and 1883.
Six Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1892)
2. Causerie
Raymond Charpentier
Composed between 1895 and 1910.
Deux poèmes (pour chant, quatuor à cordes et piano) (1925)
3. Causerie
Ernest Ansermet
Composed between 1912 and 1940.
4. Ne Cherchez plus mon coeur
Émile Guilmard
Ne Cherchez plus mon coeur (1920)
5. Causerie
Léo Ferré
Composed in 1967.
6. Causerie
Georges Chelon
Composed between 2004 and 2008.