Genre Mélodie, Language French, Decade 1980s.
Showing 1 to 10 of 83 songs.
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1. L'Invitation au voyage
Emmanuel Chabrier
Composed in 1870.
Le Pupitre (1995), L'Invitation au voyage (1913)
2. L'Invitation au voyage
Henri Duparc Song Viewer Available
Composed between 1870 and 1871.
Mélodies (1911), Mélodies (1911), Complete Songs (1995), Henri Duparc Complete Songs (medium-low voice) (ed. by Roger Nichols) (2005), L'Invitation au voyage (1872), Schumann: Dichterliebe / Fauré: La Bonne Chanson / Duparc & Fauré Songs (1935), Maggie Teyte: Chansons - Debussy, Duparc, Berlioz, Faure (1995), Leopold Simoneau sings Duparc (1958)
3. Hymne
Gabriel Fauré
Composed in 1870.
"Complete Songs" (5 Vols) (ed. by Roy Howat & Emily Kilpatrick) (2014), Quatre Mélodies (1871), Hymne (1871 - 1920)
4. La Vie antérieure
Henri Duparc
Composed between 1874 and 1913.
Mélodies (1911), Complete Songs (1995), Henri Duparc Complete Songs (medium-low voice) (ed. by Roger Nichols) (2005)
5. La Cloche fêlée
Charles Martin Loeffler
Composed between 1876 and 1893.
Four Poems (pour voix, alto et piano) (1904), Quatre Poèmes opus 5 (1893 - 1986)
6. L'Albatros
Ernest Chausson
Composed in 1879.
Huit Mélodies inédites , Québec (Canada), 2012. (2012)
7. Le Revenant
Rita (Aimée) Strohl
Composed between 1880 and 1941.
Dix Poésies mises en musique (1992), Dis Poésies mises en musique (1901)
8. La Cloche fêlée
Rita (Aimée) Strohl
Composed between 1880 and 1901.
Dix Poésies mises en musique (1992), Dis Poésies mises en musique (1901)
9. Le Revenant
Swan Hennessy
Composed between 1880 and 1929.
Quatre mélodies (1880 - 1999), Le Revenant (1880 - 1999)
10. Tristesses de la Lune
Rita (Aimée) Strohl
Composed between 1885 and 1901.
Dix Poésies mises en musique (1992), Dis Poésies mises en musique (1901)