Genre Mélodie, Language French, Decade 1910s, Theme women, Gender individual male.
Showing 1 to 10 of 27 songs.
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1. Je t'adore à l'égal de la voûte
Jean Neymarck
Composed between 1912 and 1913.
4 Poèmes, Poésies de Baudelaire (1913)
2. L'Invitation au voyage
Emmanuel Chabrier
Composed in 1870.
Le Pupitre (1995), L'Invitation au voyage (1913)
3. Ciel brouillé
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1890 and 1950.
Mélodies romantiques (1950)
4. Hymne
Jacques - Michel Zoubaloff
Composed between 1900 and 1925.
Trois Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1925)
5. Le Chat
Jacques - Michel Zoubaloff
Composed between 1890 and 1925.
Trois Poésies de Charles Baudelaire (1925)
6. À une Dame créole
Gaston Doin
Composed between 1890 and 1950.
A Une Dame créole (1890 - 1962)
8. L'Invitation au voyage
Paul Roës
Composed between 1889 and 1955.
9. L'Invitation au voyage
Henri Duparc Song Viewer Available
Composed between 1870 and 1871.
Mélodies (1911), Mélodies (1911), Complete Songs (1995), Henri Duparc Complete Songs (medium-low voice) (ed. by Roger Nichols) (2005), L'Invitation au voyage (1872), Schumann: Dichterliebe / Fauré: La Bonne Chanson / Duparc & Fauré Songs (1935), Maggie Teyte: Chansons - Debussy, Duparc, Berlioz, Faure (1995), Leopold Simoneau sings Duparc (1958)
10. Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire?
Pierre Singer
Composed in 1914.
Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire? (1914)