Genre Classical, Language French, Decade 1990s, Theme the past.
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 songs.
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1. Harmonie du soir
Charles Lecocq
Composed between 1885 and 1888.
Harmonie du soir (E585) (2011)
2. Harmonie du soir
Bernard Rands
Composed between 1934 and 1985.
Canti del Sole (1984), Canti del Sole (2000), Canti del sole (1991)
3. Harmonie du soir
Émile Naoumoff
Composed between 1962 and 2006.
Mélodies choisies (2008), Quatre mélodies pour voix et piano / Vier Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier / Four songs for voice and piano (2004-2006) (2008)
4. Harmonie du soir
Claude Prior
Composed between 1977 and 1998.
6. Le flacon
Konrad Hupfer
Composed in 1992.
7. Fugitives. Tre frammenti da Baudelaire
Riccardo Piacentini
Composed between 1996 and 1998.
Fugitives. Tre frammenti da Baudelaire (1998)
8. Harmonie du soir
Jan van Amerongen
Composed in 1998.
Vier liederen (1999)