Genre Chanson, Language French, Theme love, People Léo Ferré.
Showing 1 to 10 of 17 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
1. La Mort des amants
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1916 and 1993.
La Mort des amants (1963)
2. A celle qui est trop gaie
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1930 and 1957.
A celle qui est trop gaie (1957)
3. Le Léthé
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1933 and 1957.
Le Lethé (1957)
4. Le Revenant
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1955 and 1970.
Le Revenant (1970)
6. Une Charogne
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1957 and 1967.
7. Remords posthume
Léo Ferré
Composed in 1967.
9. Le flacon
Léo Ferré
Composed in 1967.