Poem L'Horloge, Genre Classical, Language French, Theme passing time.
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 songs.
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1. L'Horloge
Humphrey Searle
Composed in 1972.
Les Fleurs du mal op. 58 (1972)
2. L'Horloge
Harold Blumenfeld
Composed between 1973 and 2007.
3. L'Horloge
Rudolf Halaczinsky
Composed in 1973.
Trois chants pour soprano, orgue électrique et ensemble à percussion (1973)
4. L'Horloge
Elizabeth Maconchy
Composed in 1982.
6. L'Horloge
Geneviève Dupuis
Composed in 2010.
7. L'Horloge
John Michet
Composed in 2011.
8. L'Horloge
Bruno Richardot
Composed between 2012 and 2013.