Language French, Theme the poet, People Vincent Minazzoli, Gender individual male.
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 songs.
Sorted by year of composition Sort by relevance
1. Elévation
Vincent Minazzoli
Composed between 1915 and 1989.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1970 - 1989)
2. La Beauté
Vincent Minazzoli
Composed between 1915 and 1989.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1970 - 1989)
3. Tristesses de la Lune
Vincent Minazzoli
Composed between 1916 and 1989.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1970 - 1989)
4. L'Albatros
Vincent Minazzoli
Composed in 1988.
Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1970 - 1989)