Poem Le Revenant, Language French, Theme supernatural, Gender individual male.
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 songs.
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1. Le Revenant
Albert Bertelin
Composed between 1872 and 1951.
Mélodies (1872 - 1951)
2. Le Revenant
Swan Hennessy
Composed between 1880 and 1929.
Quatre mélodies (1880 - 1999), Le Revenant (1880 - 1999)
3. Le Revenant
Jacques Soulacroix
Le Revenant (1898)
4. Le Revenant
Jean Neymarck
Composed in 1912.
4 Poèmes, Poésies de Baudelaire (1913)
6. Le Revenant
Raoul Laparra
Composed in 1926.
7. Le Revenant
Paul Hindemith
Composed in 1942.
Lieder (1999)
8. Le Revenant
Léo Ferré
Composed between 1955 and 1970.
Le Revenant (1970)
9. Le Revenant
Jean Derbès
Composed in 1967.
Sept mélodies pour voix de contralto et piano sur des textes de Baudelaire (1967)
10. Le Revenant
Stéphane Blet
Composed between 2000 and 2004.
4 Mélodies d’après “Les Fleurs du mal” de Baudelaire (2004)